Thursday 22 July 2010

Tom Cruise film Vanilla Sky tops poll of most frustrating and confusing films ever
By Daily Mail Reporter

You what? Tom Cruise film Vanilla Sky has been voted as the most confusing movie of all time. He starred alongside Cameron Diaz and Penelope Cruz

If you emerged from the cinema after watching Vanilla Sky pretending you understood, you can finally own up.

Film enthusiasts have voted the 2001 Tom Cruise film the most confusing of all time.

Sixteen per cent named Cameron Crowe’s re-make of the Spanish film Open Your Eyes, which features disorientating dream sequences, pushing car-crash drama Mulholland Drive into second place.

And if you understood the twists and turns of Donnie Darko, complete with sleepwalking, time-travel and premonitions, here’s a reason to feel pleased with yourself.

It was voted third in the list of baffling cinema experiences, chosen by more than one in ten.

You may be surprised to find the mind-bending Matrix Revolutions only in fourth.

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, starring Kate Winslet, and two of Stanley Kubrick’s films, 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange also made the list.

Helen Cowley, of Lovefilm rental, which conducted the survey, said: ‘It’s clear dreaming is the biggest cause of confusion for viewers.

‘Switching from reality to dream sequences pulls the wool over our eyes.’


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