Sunday 13 June 2010

Big Brother 2010: First bit of drama as Sunshine breaks down after housemates accuse her of being 'the mole'
By Mail Online Reporter

Tears on my pillow: Sunshine breaks down in tears after eight of her housemates wrongly voted for her as 'the mole'

The first few days of Big Brother are never the most interesting, with the contestants still being polite as they get to know each other.

But medical student Sunshine provided the first bit of drama to this year's series after she broke down in tears.

The paranoid 24-year-old thought the housemates wanted her evicted after they wrongly guessed she was 'the mole' planted in the Big Brother house to perform 'dastardly deeds'.

The real 'mole' Mario, whose mole outfit made him too obvious a culprit for some of the housemates, was finally granted real housemate status after not enough people guessed his role.

Since arriving in the house last week, the 28-year-old Essex-native has been performing secret tasks and tricks on the housemates at the orders of the Tree Of Temptation.

After his final trick - ruining the Hawaiian meal prepared by Aussie John James while he was in the diary room - the housemates were told to line up in the garden by Big Brother.

The mole unmasked: Mario steps forward and reveals he was the mole all along

Another vote for Sunshine: Australian John James points the finger at Sunshine too

They were told if eight or more housemates correctly guessed the real mole, than he/she would be evicted, but if they didn't, no one would be evicted.

Although many suspected Mario, they opted for other housemates so he would be able to stay in the house.

To Sunshine's horror, Ben, Caoimhe, Dave, Govan, Nathan, Shabby, Steve, and Mario all voted for her as the mole.

She protested: 'Why does everyone think it's me? I'm sorry, I'm not the mole.'

Guilty: Mario was relieved his mole task was over

After Mario was finally unveiled as 'the mole' and allowed to wear his normal clothing again, a furious Sunshine said: 'I hate all of you.'

Chatting to Ben in the bedroom, Sunshine quickly grew emotional as she insisted she knew Mario was the mole all along.

She said: 'Do you know how scared I was when everyone wrote down my name?
Ben said: 'Most people didn't think it was you.'

Sneaky: Mario snuck through a vent in the toilet to the kitchen

Squatter Shabby and Christian minister Dave tried to reassure her, saying they both didn't think she was the mole and wrote her name randomly.

Govan then entered the room and apologised if his decision to write her name as upset her.

He said: 'If that happened to me I would be upset. I am genuinely sorry.'

Rock 'n' roll: Mario trashes the Hawaiian meal prepared by John James


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